Statement on Federal Vaccine Mandate Announcements

The Libertarian Party of Ohio is appalled at the vaccine mandate announced today by the federal government. Businesses may decide how to engage with employees, especially in vulnerable settings, as with all things in the freely chosen contract between employer and employee. Medical decisions may be decided between doctors and patients, freely choosing to work […]

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Let’s start by conceding that the prevailing wages for many service industry jobs is very, very low, too low for a person to live on.  There are all kinds of suggestions for why this is so, ranging from the sensible to the ridiculous, but never mind that now.  That’s not the reason for this piece. 


Prohibition affects YOU!

About 24 hours ago as I write this, in the wee small hours of Monday, my wife and daughter were in their beds in our third floor apartment when at least 15 gunshots were fired on the ground floor of our building.  Two people were subsequently driven to the hospital with critical wounds.  The police

Prohibition affects YOU! Read More »

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