Congress Passes YADA Act

Washington, January 9:  Today, in an unexpected eruption of bipartisan spirit, both houses of Congress overwhelmingly passed the Young Adult Dependency Aid Act and sent the bill to the President for his signature.The bill would create mandatory indentured servitude for all Americans aged 18 to 21, unless they are serving in the Armed Forces.  “These […]

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“If you dislike this country so much, why don’t you move to [_____]!”

Ah, the familiar sting. From 2008 – 2016, these were words typically echoed by my Democrat friends, very commonly with the stated nation being Somalia (apparently a “libertarian” society in the eyes of their political ideology). Before that, you might be told to move to Iraq or Afghanistan under Bush. Amidst the latest foreign policy

“If you dislike this country so much, why don’t you move to [_____]!” Read More »

War Powers

By now, I’m sure that it’s news to no one that, on the orders of President Trump, a drone attack killed the top Iranian general, a man some predicted had the connections and the skills to rise even higher.  The attack took place at an airport in Iraq, where the general and other key military

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