Libertarian Vice-Presidential Candidate Spike Cohen to Kick off Nationwide Bus Tour at Town Hall in Cincinnati


Libertarian Vice-Presidential Candidate Spike Cohen to Kick off Nationwide Bus Tour at Town Hall in Cincinnati

OH 8/16/20– Libertarian Party Vice-Presidential Candidate Spike Cohen will be touring the country to meet with supporters and talking with media.

Ohio is the first stop in a multi-stop bus tour around the country. Cohen will stop in Cincinnati (Wed Aug 19th on the lawn of Burnett Woods 6-9pm). The Hamilton County Libertarian Party and Young Americans for Liberty will be hosting a Q&A with the candidate.

Cohen will travel on to multiple states on his way to the west coast where he will end his multi-week tour in Oregon.

Cohen was nominated alongside Libertarian Presidential candidate Jo Jorgensen on Memorial Day weekend in the first ever virtual presidential nominating convention. Jorgensen/Cohen are running on a platform of criminal justice reform, bringing troops home, abolishing the ATF and minimizing government interference in everyday life. They will be on all state ballots in November.

To learn more about Jorgensen/Cohen, visit

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