LPO Adds Fockler to Hall of Honor

(COLUMBUS, July 26) Long-time activist John Fockler was added to the Libertarian Party of Ohio’s Hall of Honor at a luncheon Saturday during the party’s semiannual convention. The Hall of Honor recognizes activists with a long history of dedication and service to the state party.

Fockler, 63, of Boardman, has been a member of the Libertarian Party since 1996. He served as Chair of the Mahoning Valley Libertarian Party in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Active at the state and national level since 1999, Fockler served as Secretary and Treasurer of the party’s Executive Committee prior to its 2008 reorganization, and has since served as Treasurer, Vice-Chair, and, briefly, Chair of the party’s Central Committee. He held the position of Communications Director several times, and presently works as party of the Communications Division as a staff writer.

In the award citation, Executive Committee Chair Harold Thomas wrote, “John has been a Libertarian for many years, and has not flagged in his dedication to the party. He is currently a writer for the Communications team, and his wit has helped defuse many a fight in Facebook. This honor is much-deserved and long overdue.”

“I couldn’t be more thrilled to receive this honor from my colleagues. However much I may have given the party, it has given me far more, and it’s a pleasure to continue to serve the last, best hope for Liberty in our nation.

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