Nanna Chosen Libertarian Region 3 Representative

ORLANDO, July 11 Libertarian Party activist Dustin Nanna, of Delaware, OH, was elected Region 3 Representative on the Libertarian National Committee at a caucus of the region’s delegates to the ongoing Libertarian National Convention in Orlando yesterday. The caucus included both delegates physically present in Orlando and delegates participating online, a special one-time concession made on account of the Covid-19 outbreak.

Nanna defeated Jared Hall, of Indianapolis, IN, for the position. Hall was then chosen by the delegates to serve the region as its alternate on the LNC. Region 3 of the Libertarian Party is made up of the state parties of Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky. Two of those state parties, Indiana and Ohio, are among the ten largest Libertarian state parties. Regions in the LP are formed by the member states themselves and sometimes change fairly frequently, but Region 3 has been one of the most stable, including the same four states for more than a decade.

Nanna, 25, has already made an impressive record in the Libertarian Party. At the party’s 2018 convention, he was elected to the LNC Region 3 alternate position, which he filled until becoming acting representative a few weeks ago. He has served on both the Central Committee and the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Ohio and currently holds the position of Executive Committee Vice Chair. He was a key point man in the party’s 2018 successful ballot access drive, and has become one of the national party’s acknowledged leaders in this important area.

The Libertarian National Committee is the body responsible for the day-to-day operation of the party. The LNC is responsible to the party’s semi-annual national convention, currently meeting in Orlando, where the committee’s officers and five at-large representatives are elected. Most of the party’s eight regions elect their representatives at that time, as Region 3 has just done.

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