We’re growing and need safe, new office space

On Sunday, Channel 6 News in Columbus reported a homicide on Busch Blvd. in The Continent, where LPO headquarters is located. Prior to this murder, we were aware of some minor issues, but did not consider them serious enough to warrantimmediate removal. 

However, safety should be the highest consideration when choosing a place to live or work. Accordingly, we have asked members of the Executive Committee to begin two investigations. One is to consider whether we can provide adequate security for the headquarters office. The second is whether we can find space elsewhere that meets our requirements. The ideal location for a state political party headquarters is in downtown Columbus near the Statehouse and the office of the Secretary of State, because it would give us greater visibility and a convenient location for handling petitions, press relations, and lobbying. New office construction in Franklinton and the Short North improves the likelihood that we could find affordable space.

Because our current lease expires in January, we will have to make a decision this month. You can help us secure a new space by donating to the LPO Office Space Drive. Please contact us (email harold.thomas@lpo.org or send Harold Thomas a Facebook message) with thoughts you may have about possible locations, features you would like to see, and other thoughts you may have about our headquarters space. We will keep you informed of our progress.

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