Election Night Brings Two New Libertarian Mayors to Ohio


Columbus, Ohio – In the first local election cycle since regaining ballot access, the Libertarian Party of Ohio celebrated five wins on Tuesday’s election night. The two biggest wins are Mayor Elect Cassandra Fryman of Plymouth, Ohio and Mayor Elect Daniel Harmon of Thornville, Ohio. Winning re-election are Huber Heights Councilman Glenn Otto and Gasper Township Trustee Eric White. Also winning is Michael Chumley being elected to the West Clermont School District Board of Education.

Also making great strides in Northeast Ohio is Brandon Bobbit who ran for Elyria City Council in the 7th Ward. He made recent history by taking the largest percentage of the vote in a partisan race for the Libertarian Party of Ohio since 2014. Elyria, you haven’t seen the last of Brandon. In a statement by his campaign last night “…we will continue to find ways to serve this community (Elyria).” Also in Northeast Ohio, State Central Committee member Joseph Loyd was defeated for Chardon City School Board, but managed to help win the fight against a $76 million bond issue.

Central Ohio also had its fair share of bittersweet news on election night. Long time Libertarian activist Tricia Sprankle, lost her race for Gahanna City Attorney to a massive old party machine. Having raised an unheard of amount of donations for a City Attorney race, she only lost by 854 votes and pulled in 44.56% of the votes cast. Franklin County Libertarian Party’s other major race was Jennifer Flower. Her long fought battle for Prairie Township Trustee ended with her in second place in a 4 way race with 30% of the vote. Over in Coshocton County, Former State Central Committee member Robert Leist took 16% of the vote in a 5 way race for Coschocton City Council at Large.

As you may recall, the Libertarian Party of Ohio regained ballot access in the summer of 2018 when it turned in over 102,000 signatures from citizens from all 88 counties. Since regaining ballot access, the LPO has run over 30 candidates for Federal, State, and Local offices. In order to retain ballot access the Libertarian Party Presidential nominee will have to obtain 3% of the votes cast in the State of Ohio. Find out more about the Libertarian Party of Ohio by visiting www.lpo.org or emailing info@lpo.org

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