The Road to 2018 Ohio Elections

Assuming we get the final 5,000 signatures and Ballot Access is restored, we have over 100 candidates lining up for 2018 elections! The process of running as a Libertarian in Ohio in 2018 is a little different to accommodate the legal rules and requirements of the State. But the process can be easily summarized in three easy steps.

  1. First, the LPO must complete the petition drive and file the party status petition no later than 125 days before General Election – let’s call it July 3rd.
  2. Once the party petition is filed, candidates shall circulate and file a declaration of candidacy and petition containing 50 valid signatures for a statewide office or 5 signatures for districts less than statewide. In either case such signatures being of registered voters in the district who are NOT affiliated with a political party (since Libertarians aren’t officially a political party). 
    The petitions must be filed by 110 days before the General Election (July 19). Petitions for statewide offices must file with the Secretary of State or with the Board of Elections of the county containing the most population for district offices.
  3. The Secretary of State shall by August 3 certify to the petitioning committee of the LPO the candidates whose petitions are validated.   The petitioning committee shall between that date Aug. 23 certify to the Secretary of State what candidates shall appear on the ballot.  In the case of more than one candidate for any given office, the petitioning committee must select only one candidate to represent the LPO.

This is a huge advantage over the requirements to run as an “independent” (or non-party candidate). There are much greater signature requirements – generally 1% of last vote for that office or 5000 statewide! And the petitions would need to be filed by 4 PM day BEFORE the primary (Monday May 7).  

Considering that the LPO is now within thousands of signatures to regain party status, our candidates alone could push us over the count much more easily than getting signatures without a party.

For additional information, please contact us. We are here to help!

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