Here we grow again!

In the wake of the best ever Libertarian support in a presidential election, the Libertarian Party of Ohio is gaining new support and volunteers every day!  We are happy to announce several new posts, both those elected at the recent Central Committee meeting as well as several important new appointments made by the Executive Committee.

It’s been an exciting summer!  At the last Central Committee Meeting, six new Central Committee Members and three new officers were elected.  Subsequently, the Executive Committee made five appointments to the Field Development Division which focuses on the growing local grassroots movement. 

The Central Committee elected John Fockler as the Central Committee Vice Chair. John is a  long time LPO activist and also a member of the National Platform Committee.  No doubt he will provide great leadership for the Party.

We thank the flowing folks for stepping up as new Central Committee members representing their Congressional district:

  • Jason Tyson, District 4
  • Brian Hammer, District 5
  • Dan Hines, District 6
  • Robert Leist, District 7
  • Derek Strelow, District 9
  • Kelli Rodin, District 10

The Central Committee, much like a corporate board, is the Controlling Committee of the Libertarian Party of Ohio. Two representatives from each Congressional district are elected in even years. Vacant seats can be filling between elections by the Central Committee.  In turn, the Central Committee elects the officers of the Executive Committee are responsible for the day to day operation of the Party, much like officers of a company.

The following volunteers were elected to the Executive Commitee:

  • Dustin Nanna, Vice Chair of the Executive Commitee
  • Aarica Burwell, At Large 

Shortly following the Central Committee Meeting, the Executive Committee made several important Field appointments. 

  • Chris Guyer, Volunteer Coordinator. Chris will be working across the state making sure that every new volunteer and contact is contacted to personally welcome them to the Party. 
  • Joe Giffen, College Liaison. As a veteran and post graduate student at Youngstown State University, Joe is anxious to spread the word of liberty to college campuses across the state. 

Three new County Development Coordinators have also been appointed! County Development Coordinators are tasked with identifying and organizing liberty minded people at the grassroots. They have arguably the most important role in the party in monitoring local issues, elections and ordinances and coordinating local meetings and events. 

  • Robert Leist, Coshocton County
  • Kelli Rodin, Greene County
  • Trishanda Barhorst, Miami County

If you are in or near these counties, please reach out and help these folks locally!

We thank all our volunteers and welcome our newest volunteers. The interest and growth in the Party of Principle is on the rise and we look forward to the future.  

If you too are sick of the status quo and are ready to stand up and do something about it, volunteer today!

In all the good news, we’d be remiss not to thank Chris Gill for his years of dedication to the party.  While Chris had to step down from his positions on the Central and Executive Committee because he has moved out of state, he has committed to remaining active in the Libertarian Party of Ohio in some critical committees and roles he can fill from out of state. Our best wishes travel with Chris in his new position; South Carolina is lucky to have him.

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